True to our promise, our Finland Oman School opened its doors for the first time on the 12th of September 2018, thus marking the first day of our journey as the pioneering Finnish school in Oman. Parents and students were welcomed at the entrance of the school and ushered into the foyer. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming and was filled with a mixture of emotions: exhilaration amongst the staff who witnessed the realisation of their hard work; excitement from the teaching staff impatient to embark upon their adventure; eagerness from parents to witness the growth of their children and a range of emotions from the students, some happy and excited, others teary and scared venturing into the world for the first time. A photo session then ensued where photos were taken of parents, students and staff who were proud to be part of the memorable occasion. The students then bade their parents farewell and were taken to their respective classes where their journey of fun learning began. Soon the earlier teary-eyed students were also smiling excitedly and enjoying their learning. Our students certainly enjoyed their first day of school, testimony of their enjoyment was their reluctance to leave at the end of the school day.